Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Dediation to a Commitment to Live Life!

Dedication: noun

    noun: dedication1.
      the quality of being dedicated or committed to a task or purpose.
      "his dedication to his duties"

Commitment: noun

    noun: commitment; plural noun: commitments
      the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc..
      "the company's commitment to quality"

Motivation: noun

    noun: motivation; plural noun: motivations
      the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way
                   "escape can be a strong motivation for travel"

Resolute: adjective

    adjective: resolute
  1. 1.
      admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering.
"she was resolute and unswerving"

Common sense says that if a mac truck is heading for you at 60 MPH you will make every effort to get out of it's way. You will be Dedicated to preserving your life. You will be committed to finding safety out of harms way. Your motivation will be Life and you will be resolute in obtaining your goal of avoiding pain and death at the impact of that 18 wheeler against your body.

In the same way an unhealthy lifestyle is that mac truck barreling down on us at 60 MPH as we stand in the middle of the highway of life. Common sense says that we should act like we would if it was a real clear and present danger to us, much like that mac truck. Eating unhealthy is like smoking on our danger scale. When I was a smoker I never looked at the end game results, I always figured I had time. Is that not like many of us today? There is tomorrow to start making healthy choices, right? One thing I learned about tomorrow and that is that it comes and goes many times over before we realize it. Another fact about tomorrow, we just do not know what it holds. When those last minutes are slipping away will be regret that we never made those healthy choices all those yesterdays ago? Grant it that there are some situations beyond our control but, even then will we regret that we did not live or enjoy life to the fullest because of our unhealthy choices of all those yesterdays?

I am committed to making those healthy choices and I want you to be as well. I do not want to do this alone! I am not saying a drastic life style change right this second, right this moment in time. What I an resolute to do is to start choosing the healthier option and moving forward. Instead of that chocolate eclair I will choose strawberries and grapes. Instead of Dr. Pepper, I will choose Unsweetened Tea or even better, Infused Water. Instead of waiting to pick up the mail as I pull as close as I can with the car, I will walk to the mail box. I will be dedicated to improving my life one healthy choice at a time. I will make my commitment before you all to cherish my life and to honor my God by respecting this body He has blessed me with and living my life to the fullest with that breath of Life He has granted me. Will you join me? Just a healthy choice away from a new life. A health choice away from freedom from the bondage of over eating and the emotional ups and downs of being obese.

I am enthusiastic about becoming a “Nutritarian,” as coined by Dr,. Joel Fuhrman. But, I have lacked engaging this plan fully. Do not get me wrong, I have started making those healthy choices and I do blow it. I am resolute about my goal and I will achieve it. But, just an interesting note; Though I have not been 100% committed I am still seeing benefits. Today I woke up and I checked my vitals and here they are:

Blood Pressure: 111/71

Pulse: 67

Oxygen: 99/98 (Set Free From Smoking closing in on 100 days Now, Praise God!)

Blood Sugar: 105

I can not wait to see what my body will be like when I am 100% on track!

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